Through a release to AFP, the Chairman of the National Hajj Commission (Komnas Hajj) Mustolih Siradj revealed, most pilgrims willing to sell the land, rice, jewelry, and property for Hajj. Even those willing puluha year and queued for the sake of saving left for Makkah.
( Read: budi daya kroto )
"But instead haj funds allegedly diverted by the minister. It's ironic, "said Mustolih, Friday (23/5). On this event, urged the National Commission for Hajj SDA voluntarily resigned as a Minister of Religion. According to the man who also works as an advocate is there some reason the SDA should resign.
First, SDA failed to be a role model for the apparatus that he led and the people in general to fight corruption. Menag anti-corruption should be even suspected offenders.
Second, the pilgrimage season will arrive soon, he must have been intense coordination with stakeholders organizer Hajj, especially the government of Saudi Arabia. On the other hand, the Commission has been to prevent the SDA forbidden to go abroad.
If the SDA remains a minister would disrupt the performance of the organization of the Hajj. It will threaten the fate of hundreds of thousands of pilgrims, they can be neglected.
Third, is known as the SDA Muslim party politician, he should give a good example of state. He should emulate former Andi Alfian Mallarangeng who resigned as minister after so prisoners Commission.
Fourth, if the SDA pro law enforcement, by resigning would simplify the legal process. "It will make SDA freely in legal defense," he said.
Fifth, after a suspect by the KPK. public confidence, especially the millions of pilgrims to the Minister of Religious already collapsed. "How could the livelihood of millions of mankind left to unexpected corruption. Confidence pilgrims to the SDA had faded, "he said.
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