Saturday, June 7, 2014

Citizens Income Promises Hatta Rp 5 Million Per Month

Citizens Income Promises Hatta Rp 5 Million Per Month

Partners president and vice president candidate Prabowo Subianto and Hatta Rajasa pleaded focus on economic citizenship. Even promised to be able to increase revenue Indonesian Rp 5 million per month.
( Read: proses pengecoran aluminium )

"We look forward to increasing the income that do not come down. 'Cause we have a target income toward Rp 5 million," he said during a speech at the Market Tambun, Bekasi, Saturday (06/07/2014).

He hoped that income happens to everyone, including market traders, civil servants, until retired. On the same occasion, former Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, hoped there was no eviction on the markets.

"So that the little people can trade on it. Which big state has been able to thrive, small ones should be assisted by the state," the toilet.

One point vision mission-Hatta mate Prabowo as reported by the General Election Commission official website is increasing per capita income of Rp 35 million to Rp 60 million with a minimum of economic growth reached 7 percent per year towards growth above 10 percent.

According to them, with the strategy of high-quality economic growth through increased growth through the production sector to achieve the optimal balance of growth fueled consumption.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

" It took President Gant , Addressing Long , Done That Matters "

Expected future state leader hardworking honest and sincere . The new leader does not need to say much with speeches many ways , the opposite should speak with deeds and actions.

Golkar functionaries Ais Anantama Said when contacted by reporters on Wednesday ( 04/06/2014 ) , said the advantages of presidential candidates ( presidential ) , Joko Widodo ( Jokowi ) compared presidential candidate Prabowo is on it .( Read: teknik pengecoran aluminium )

" People need a leader like Jokowi . Oration unnecessary length , which is important to do , " said the son of former Justice Minister Ali Said , quoted .

According to him , Jokowi is the answer to the stagnation of the current national leadership is too much talk , but little in deed . People are waiting leader understated , simple , but it shows a real good performance .

" Not butuhlah speech , the president's handsome face , or anything else . We need leaders who give you an example , how it should work , " said Ais .(Read: lampu emergency merk surya )

It was submitted in response to the polemic Ais comparing speech and speech Jokowi Prabowo when the declaration of peace , held General Elections Commission ( KPU ) .

During his time as mayor of Surakarta and Jakarta Governor Jokowi more work in the field or blusukan to see the problems and the performance ranks. The Prabowo has no experience in government .
