Tuesday, May 27, 2014

"Mega, son Promises 12 Million Missing Votes for winning Jokowi-JK ..."

National Awakening Party expressed its commitment to seek the winning pair and Joko Widodo Jusuf Kalla shaft that carried the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle coalition . One promise of this party is 12 million votes for the pair .

" Mega ( Chairman Megawati PDI- P ) that we love and care about , your son is missing is ready to contribute , " said Chairman Iskandar collective commitment to initiate an appointment on Tuesday ( 05/27/2014 ) . " We give God willing, at least 12 million ( voice ) from the base to win Jokowi CLA - JK . "

Coalition bearers Kalla Jokowi - containing PDI - P with the National Democratic Party , PKB , Hanura , and the Indonesian Justice and Unity Party .
( Read: budidaya murai batu )

" So , Mrs. Megawati , in fact I am embarrassed when wandering everywhere , but do not bring home 12 million votes, " said Muhaimin drew applause of the audience .

The promise is a commitment made ​​before the forum of the National Working Meeting ( Conggress ) II National Democratic Party . This meeting was held to solidify internal election in the face of the campaign period .

In this event , all bearer party chairman and the party supporters present . They also took turns delivering political speeches before jointly declare support for winning Jokowi and Kalla .


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Candidates for Queen of Thailand Recorded "Topless" and just use "G-string"

Crown Prince of Thailand , namely Prince Maha , and his wife , Princess Srirasmi , dissolved in a party atmosphere in a tropical garden , accompanied by the song George Michael . Guest of honor at the party instead of a head of state who are visiting or a local dignitary , but a couple's pet poodle , Foo Foo .

The event was captured on video . In the video, which by the Daily Mail described as an event of excessive self-indulgence and moral decay in the Royal Palace in Bangkok Thailand , seem daughter Srirasmi , a former Pramu food , just wrapped mini G - string when she gave the cake to the dog .

Since Sunday ( 25/04/2014 ) , the British newspaper websites blocked in Thailand . Blocking was thought to be related to the report .
( Read: perajin sangkar )

In one scene in the video, the princess topless ( topless ) looks bent to eat from a dog bowl , while in another scene a maid kneeling in front of him . The royal couple then sang Happy Birthday for their dogs .

The video appears as Thailand again rocked the latest military coup . Former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was detained in Bangkok on Friday , and hundreds of people already took to the streets to protest the taking of power by the military .

Crown Prince and his wife , last Friday , leaving Tylney Hall , a five-star hotel in Hampshire , England , where they and 30 members of his entourage had stayed for nearly a week .

paiexplorer Crown Prince of Thailand and his wife , Princess Srirasmi
The video , which circulated on YouTube , is believed to intensify concerns about the feasibility of the Prince Maha to replace his father , King Bhumibol Adulyadej who has aged 86 years . King Bhumibol , who is said to suffer from Parkinson's disease , has not been seen in public since the military junta imposed martial law in the country .

Last year , a leaked U.S. diplomatic cable revealed to the public , many senior Thai officials expressed serious doubts against the Crown . In one leaked , the former U.S. ambassador in Bangkok told how her daughter Srirasmi admitted in a state dinner that Foo Foo " the rank of Commander of the Air Force . "

Four boys from the Crown Prince 's previous marriage had been exiled from Thailand by their father since 1996 and now lives in the United States . Last Thursday , one of them , Juthavachara Vivacharawongse ( 34 years ) , told the Mail on Sunday at his home near San Diego , California , " I prefer not to talk about it ( coup ) or my father . 's A private affair , a family matter . "

The crown prince married Princess Srirasmi 2001. They have a nine year old son .

A source in Thailand , who asked not to be named for fear of reprisals , said Thursday , " There are many people here who would rather not return the Crown Prince . "


Friday, May 23, 2014

National Commission for Hajj Call Five Reasons Why Menag to Retreat

Determination of the status of Minister of Religious Affairs Suryadharma Ali as a suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for alleged corruption in the organization of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Hajj fiscal year 2012-2013 assessed shocked and hurt the feelings of 1.5 million pilgrims.

Through a release to AFP, the Chairman of the National Hajj Commission (Komnas Hajj) Mustolih Siradj revealed, most pilgrims willing to sell the land, rice, jewelry, and property for Hajj. Even those willing puluha year and queued for the sake of saving left for Makkah.
( Read: budi daya kroto )

 "But instead haj funds allegedly diverted by the minister. It's ironic, "said Mustolih, Friday (23/5). On this event, urged the National Commission for Hajj SDA voluntarily resigned as a Minister of Religion. According to the man who also works as an advocate is there some reason the SDA should resign.

First, SDA failed to be a role model for the apparatus that he led and the people in general to fight corruption. Menag anti-corruption should be even suspected offenders.

Second, the pilgrimage season will arrive soon, he must have been intense coordination with stakeholders organizer Hajj, especially the government of Saudi Arabia. On the other hand, the Commission has been to prevent the SDA forbidden to go abroad.

If the SDA remains a minister would disrupt the performance of the organization of the Hajj. It will threaten the fate of hundreds of thousands of pilgrims, they can be neglected.

Third, is known as the SDA Muslim party politician, he should give a good example of state. He should emulate former Andi Alfian Mallarangeng who resigned as minister after so prisoners Commission.

Fourth, if the SDA pro law enforcement, by resigning would simplify the legal process. "It will make SDA freely in legal defense," he said.

Fifth, after a suspect by the KPK. public confidence, especially the millions of pilgrims to the Minister of Religious already collapsed. "How could the livelihood of millions of mankind left to unexpected corruption. Confidence pilgrims to the SDA had faded, "he said.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Labor Declaration of Support for the Central Java-Hatta Prabowo

Among workers in Central Java who are members of the Conference of Indonesian Workers Union ( KSPI ) finally settled the presidential candidate Prabowo as to be supported in the upcoming presidential election in July 2014 .

Declaration of the candidate stretcher Gerindra party coalition is done in RM Park Sari Soekarno Hatta Highway Unggaran , Thursday ( 22/05/2014 ) afternoon .

" Prabowo is the only candidate who receives workers' demands , " said Dono Rahardjo , Chairman KSPI Central Java .
( read: harga kenari yorkshire )

According Dono , only Prabowo who dared to sign a contract that contains a 10-point political demands of the workers at the peak of May Day commemoration in Jakarta .

While other presidential and vice presidential candidate for various reasons shy to approach political contract . " What if ( Prabowo ) broken ? We bill together . We surrounded the palace . If broken , then we have the record for subsequent years , " he explained .

Labour , further Dono , should not be involved in practical politics . But when all the aspirations handed over to political parties , in fact the products of labor laws affecting even siding with the foreign investors .

" We have great strength . If we can not enter the system , we can still do it by pushing the pro- labor candidate , " he continued .

Dono claims , support for Prabowo conducted jointly by KSPI , FSPMI , ASPECT Indonesia , FSP KEP , FARKES Ref , PPMI , ISI , SP migrants , domestic workers , port workers , SOE Workers , United Traders Market , HKTI , People's Artist , SNI , Honorary Teachers and Employees organization , Unity and People 's Forum Mini Housewife .

" We are members of the Indonesian house , " he said .


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

BI Governor: Structural Reforms Spur Economic Growth

Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Agus Martowardojo emphasized the need for structural reforms in the country.

Structural reforms required that the Indonesian economy to grow tall.

"Indonesia can not grow above 6-9 percent if no structural reform," he stated in the National Workshop themed Nations Economic Awakening, Tuesday (20/5).

Therefore, the central bank will encourage local authorities to take steps that can be taken to support structural reforms.
( Read: burung pentet jantan )

BI also requested that local governments can suppress inflation. Inflation in 2013 was as high as 8.3 percent.

The figure is the highest among ASEAN countries highest.
( Read: kicau burung pentet mp3 download )

"It is in Indonesia every necessary adjustments to reduce fuel subsidies inflation.

What local government efforts to rein in inflation, "he said.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Not agree with Megawati, Prabowo Golkar Supports Big Chance

Deputy Secretary General of the Golkar Party Tantowi ensure today, Monday ( 19/05/2014 ) , the party will make a decision regarding steps facing presidential elections on July 9 . He said that Golkar would most likely join the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the supporting shaft Gerindra Prabowo .

" Because no deal with Mega ( Megawati Sukarnoputri , Chairman of the PDI-P ) , then by itself the opportunity to join Gerindra be enormous , " said Tantowi in Parliament Complex in Senayan , Jakarta , Monday ( 19/05/2014 ) .
( Read: mengatasi kenari sakit )

Tantowi said DPP Chairman of Golkar Party Bakrie and Prabowo will meet to discuss a coalition . He also asked the public to wait for the decision later .

" Whether it be 100 percent ? It depends Mr Bakrie and Pak Prabowo , " said Member of Commission I was .

He said , Gerindra is still open space communications with Golkar although DPP Chairman of the National Mandate Party Hatta Rajasa almost certainly be a candidate for vice president Prabowo . He also claimed not to know what's on offer so join Gerindra if Golkar .

Previously , the National Leadership Meeting VI Golkar Golkar coalition handed direction to Bakrie . Rapimnas also gave a mandate to the Bakrie to establish himself as a candidate for president or vice president .

After rapimnas , Bakrie returned to Megawati , Sunday ( 18/05/2014 ) night . At that time , accompanied by the Secretary General of the Bakrie Idrus Marham Golkar and Golkar also looked Treasurer . However , after the meeting , Bakrie claimed no decision . Thus , Golkar has yet to have a coalition partner to face the upcoming presidential election .


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

KPAI Will Disallow Child in Night Spots

Indonesian Child Protection Commission ( KPAI ) plans to make rules to prohibit children under the age of 18 get into nightclubs . KPAI intend inviting entrepreneurs entertainment areas related to the implementation of the plan .

" We will invite entrepreneurs entertainment places or places that could be used as the location of the child feasting , for example discos , to not allow entry of children under 18 years , " said Commissioner of Health and drug KPAI Haryati point when met at the office of BNN , Cawang , East Jakarta , Tuesday ( 05/13/2014 ) .

KPAI meetings and evening entertainment business will be conducted in the month of May . He said he hoped the meeting could give birth to a pro deal on minors .
( Read: suara kacer )

" We try to be selective they receive guests . They also have to be reported to law enforcement authorities if there is a visitor under the age , " said Point .

This recommendation also said, would be submitted to the Department of Tourism and Culture Jakarta . It is intended that the government is also to supervise the managers of entertainment venues .

If there is a 18 -year -old boy who was caught in, he said , sanctions will be given to the entertainment venues .


Friday, May 2, 2014

Snakes value Sulawesi Attorney Selective Logging in Handling Corruption

Association of Legal Aid and Human Rights of Indonesia ( Snakes ) South Sulawesi High Court judge local unprofessional and selective logging in the handling of corruption cases .

" Attorney never care if people criticized the handling of matters related to corruption and even the prosecutor is now investigating more closed when questioned the response of cases of corruption , " said Chairman of the Snakes of South Sulawesi , Makassar Wahidin Kamase on Saturday .
( Read: video burung ciblek )

He said investigators should be open to the public prosecutor and convey information about the development of the central investigating a number of cases .

One of the cases that should be opened stagnant cases of alleged corruption in the procurement of infrastructure projects Jeneponto and Bantaeng .

According to him , corruption cases handled by the High Court of South Sulawesi should not be terminated for no apparent reason and should be followed up because the initial evidence was enough .

" We wonder , sometimes there are also cases that would be exposed Attorney Sulawesi , there also does not want revealed . Such cases Alkes RS Power , with Dr. Zainab suspects , are suddenly at - exposure while handling corruption cases such as cases of alleged corruption this infrastructure , the Attorney hide impressed . Approximately what , " he asked .

According to Wahidin , the public also must be wondering with the attitude of the High Court of South Sulawesi impressed selective logging . Case numbering tens and hundreds of millions quickly exposed while certainly the case that damages the country billions of dollars hidden impressed .

The same thing is expressed , Anti- Corruption Committee which assesses if the High Court of South Sulawesi in handling cases of alleged corruption tend to be professional and selective logging .

"If you see and observe the number of corruption cases handled by the public prosecutor's office , investigators such as selective logging cases which would be delegated and which are left hanging , " said Staff Working Committee of the ACC , Kadir Wokanubun .

He said the assessment will be selective in the handling of corruption cases it is because the number of cases handled by the prosecutor's office does not have the clarity aka hanging .

While the corruption cases that do not involve local officials and small losses that serious attention , so it is reasonable if it appears selective assessment of the case .

"It's simple if you want to know the selective logging or not , we see that the value of some corruption cases only a small loss of tens of millions to hundreds , while the value of the loss of billions of cases that actually durable in the table investigators , " he said .

He cited cases of alleged corruption in the procurement of medical devices ( Medical Devices ) General Hospital ( RSU ) Power Makassar value of the loss is only about Rp800 million not wait for a long time finally completed and has entered the stage of prosecution before transferred to the Anti-Corruption Court .


Gadgets are created Utilizing Body Heat ?

The development of increasingly advanced technology , a lot of technology produced with extraordinary sophistication . In the near future , is likely to create a gadget that uses the body's source of energy in the form of heat , such as a battery that no longer exist today .

Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ( KAIST ) managed to make a small-sized generator thermoelectrik . The thermoelectrik generator also has a super slim size and can be folded or flexible .
( Read:harga burung murai batu )

To make these technologies , the KAIST make a thermoelectric generator and print it on a thin glass using screen printing techniques . Not only small , thermoelectric generators also have the ability to generate electricity is 10 times higher than usual thermoelectric generator .

With these capabilities , do not rule out the possibility that this technology will soon be applied to the wearable device . Moreover, with this technology , an electronic device no longer require batteries as the primary energy source , but only used as a backup and utilize body heat .