Saturday, April 26, 2014

Busyro: Souvenirs iPod should be submitted to the State

KPK deputy chairman Busyro Muqoddas said , the iPod Shuffle which were distributed in children 's wedding reception Nurhadi Secretary of the Supreme Court must be confiscated . The iPod recipients reported to the Commission some time ago . Most recipients iPod is a judge at the Supreme Court .

" Being a state-owned and must be submitted to the state , " said Busyro through short messages , Saturday ( 04/26/2014 ) .
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Separately , the Commission Gratification Director Giri Suprapdiono delivered a number of reasons why the iPod was to be confiscated . First , Giri said , the judge is a special profession which his position so that the ethical standards of the conduct of the judges are also higher . Code of Conduct prohibits judges the representative of God on this earth to receive any gift-giving value.

" The code of conduct of judges are prohibited from receiving any provision of value related matters and conflict of interest , " said Giri .

Although , he added , some parts of the code of ethics that judges judge may accept a gift for a cultural event as long as the value below $ 500 thousand . However , the Commission found no evidence that the price of the iPod is that distributed more than USD 500,000

" The value and price of the iPod is from the receiver side and the price of Rp 699,000 per iPod . Fact of the price when purchased was more than $ 500 thousand , because there are other costs , " he said .

Another reason , according to Giri , judging it necessary to emphasize the moral and ethical propriety officials and civil servants so as not to injure the public sense of justice . " As law enforcement slogan for justice , " he said .

Giri added , as many as 256 people reported receipt of reception children Nurhadi iPod to the Commission . A total of 236 of these are the judges . The iPod will be confiscated later than seven working days after the decree issued KPK leaders .

KPK spokesman Johan Budi said the head of the Directorate of Gratification recommend to the Commission that the state confiscated most of the iPod . The recommendation is merely a proposal that still have to wait for leadership decisions .

Commission has requested information about the souvenir confirmed Nurhadi for iPod . Nurhadi into the media spotlight after holding his wedding reception , Rizki Aulia with Rizky Wibowo , Saturday ( 15/03/2014 ) , at the Hotel Mulia , Jakarta .

In the reception , guests get an iPod Shuffle as a souvenir . Present state officials and organizers of the reception of the child Nurhadi . A total of 2,500 invitations distributed . In the invitation , there is a card ( such as an ATM card ) that uses a barcode . These cards can be redeemed for souvenirs of the iPod Shuffle .

Related to the iPod Shuffle , Chairman of the Indonesian branch of the Supreme Court Judge Gayus Lumbuun along with a number of other judges have visited the Building Commission . IKAHI agree to report collectively the iPod Shuffle .

However, Gaius judge granting an iPod that does not include gratuities are prohibited because the value is under $ 500 thousand . Gaius says that the price of the iPod Shuffle is ordered directly from the United States is USD 480,000 .


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