" We will evaluate the results pileg yesterday . Secondly , the chairman will be accountable for what he has done in the context of political ijtihad during the last election , which is considered the most violated rules , " said Chairman of the PPP Epyardi Asda at PPP .
Pantuan Kompas.com , a plenary meeting this time guarded by dozens of people in the name of PPP sympathizers . They appear to use a white T-shirt with a picture of a PPP candidate Abraham Lunggana or Lulung .
The meeting did not seem attended by PPP Vice Chairman and Secretary General Emron Pangkapi PPP Romahurmuziy . Epyardi claims to have invited the PPP leadership elements are at odds with the Suryadharma .
" I see here is not a lot of his friends were present . This suggests that they are not willing to work together . If the chairman ( Suryadharma ) is his patient . Want blasphemed however , he did not say anything , " he said .
Epyardi added plenum declared valid if the number of administrators achieve quorum present daily or more than half the amount present . If the number of participants did not achieve quorum , then the chairman of the meeting will delay the meeting for 60 minutes . The meeting chaired by Suryadharma .
"If they are not delayed also present , then the meeting may be continued and resulted in the decision , " he said .
( Read: suara pleci mp3 )
Meanwhile , the PPP leadership element of camp Emron and Romahurmuziy plans to hold a National Labor Congress ( Mukernas ) III PPP in Bogor , West Java , starting on Wednesday ( 23/04/2014 ) tomorrow . Mukernas is also scheduled evaluation of the results pileg PPP . Mukernas also scheduled attestation task executing PPP Chairman Emron Pangkapi as Chairman Suryadharma replace suspended in PPP national leadership meeting on Saturday.
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