Saturday, April 12, 2014

Observer: PDIP Need Four coalition with the Golkar Party Included

Political observers of Indobarometer , M Qodari assess the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle ( PDI - P ) requires coalition fat filled by some parties to ensure the nomination of Joko Widodo ( Jokowi ) seamlessly in the upcoming Presidential election .

PDI - P at least need to form a coalition with the National Awakening Party ( PKB ) , the National Mandate Party ( PAN ) , Nasdem Party and the Golkar Party . Qodari revealed , PKB and PAN is very important to be embraced because the mass base of Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah who owned the two parties .

Moreover , in the history of the formation of the cabinet , NU and Muhammadiyah elements are also always taken into account . " For example , the position of Minister of Education has become common knowledge is the portion of Muhammadiyah or NU . Similarly to the position of Minister of Health that became Muhammadiyah ration which does have expertise in that area , " said Qodari in a discussion in Jakarta , Saturday ( 04/12/2014 ) .

The strength of the PDI - P if joined together PKB , PAN , plus Nasdem Party pengusungan enough qualified candidates for President and Vice President . Percentage voice reached 42.5 percent . However , the figure was assessed Qodari still not safe to win Jokowi .

"If you want safe , PDI - P still have to take another one . Example , the Golkar Party so that it can be 57 percent , " said Qodari .

Meanwhile , Deputy Secretary General of the PDI - P Eriko Sotarduga said his party is currently communicating with several political parties to set up a coalition . However , PDI - P Eriko claimed in seeking coalition partners not only refers to the percentage of votes , but rather a common vision and mission as well as the party's platform .
( see also: obat burung )

" We have to talk with many stakeholders . Primarily , we also see the public input , the public perception . If it is formed , what kind of cooperation platform , it will be seen , " said Eriko .


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